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Conversion Content Marketing Basics

| in Copywriting

Conversion content marketing is a hybrid of content marketing, which is used to engage a community, and landing page optimisation, the primary goal of which is to convert. Each addresses the inherent weakness of the other; content marketing is, for instance, very human, interesting, and relevant. It does not, however, push into conversion territory. Likewise, landing page optimisation may be too heavy on the hard sell. How can you blend these techniques to create a sound search engine optimisation and CRO strategy?

As Scott Brinker notes for SearchEngineLand, “content marketing is like the shy admirer who never musters the courage to ask for a date. The prospect might be interested in a closer connection, but when that seducible moment passes, their attention flits elsewhere and may never return.” Landing page optimisation is “more like honing pick-up lines” and delivering them to people who don’t want to be picked up.

To find the right balance, you have to publish content (regularly) that is relevant, interesting, and of value to the reader. You should do so without expecting anything in return; for instance, if you’re going to publish a whitepaper, let people read without having to register on your site or fill out a form. No, you’re not going to grab their info there, but you are giving them something they want/need – which means, if it is valuable information, they will come back. This also positions you as an authority or expert in your field, which is essential.

But you have to also push beyond that with clear calls to action, a streamlined conversion funnel, minimal distractions, and effective motivators or incentives. For instance, if your goal is to create a more prominent social profile, encourage your visitors to like you, share you, +1 you, or pin you. Provide an easy one-touch button solution to make it easy. Or, if your ultimate goal is to secure clients, offer a free consult or advanced whitepaper for free if they sign up, contact you, or complete the other desired call to action.

Conversion content marketing is not really a new concept; it is simply optimising the techniques and tactics you are already using and streamlining them into a more efficient process.

Posted by Hitesh Patel, Managing Director at Bullseye Media



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