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Tips for Using Google Trends

| in Google

We know, we know; it’s not new. It’s not shiny. It’s a few years old. But Google Trends is still a valuable tool, and one that, perhaps, most SEOs neglect as they plan their strategies and campaigns. Trends show you how often specific search terms have been used over a specified period of time. How can you utilise this tool more fully and reap more SEO rewards?

The big benefit that Google Trends offers is data, the bread and butter of SEOs and search marketers. You can compare the volume of searchers between two or more keyword terms, look at how new events affect search popularity, and figure out how to select more targeted keywords.

  • Narrow in on keywords. If, for instance, our keyword is “SEO,” and we are writing a blog about strategy, we can figure out which term is searched for more frequently: SEO strategy, SEO help, SEO marketing strategy, and so on. Use the data when creating your content and optimisng metadata and the like
  • Narrow your search. Trends gives you the option to refine your search based on location, type of search, time period, and category. Specificity is often key in ranking well, so this data will help you target keywords.
  • Look at both the “Top” and the “Rising” results. To see terms that are on the rise, and how far they are jumping in popularity, simply click on the “Rising” tab in the lower right corner.
  • If you are thinking of developing a new product or service, Trends can help show you if there is interest. BetaBrand, for instance, an apparel company based in the US, noticed that while many people were biking to work, there were no good pants for the purpose. They “Trended” it and found that was exactly what people in their area were looking for. Product launched, success achieved.
  • Use Trends as a branding tool. Use your own company name, or those of competitors, to gauge interest. Again, remember to narrow your results to your geographical region for the best data.

As an SEO or website owner, it is hard to get a handle on all the data that is out there. Google Trends is one tool (among many) that can help you make sense of it and make it work for you.



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